
This is a space for children to share their work with our Kauri classroom community. If you have been working on a project you'd like to share, please email a photo of it to Mireille to post here. Please remember that anything you post here is potentially visible to the whole world!

Danielle's Lego stop motion video

Gryff made a Lego card for his dad for Father's Day.

Divinity practiced her spelling words using window chalk

Divinity also wrote her words in the sand!

Malak made a diorama of a Mosque. 

Adele completed all the Polygon Puzzles from the maths page!


Robert made a traditional Ukrainian beet soup called “Borsch” Yum! 



Marcus memorised the first 8 Roman Numerals

Rohan getting out in the garden

Harrison made some delicious cinnamon scrolls, yum!

Harrison was up for the paper boat challenge.

Adele and Audrey enjoying drops of colour

Adele made her own Stamp Game

Sophia and her dad used a spinning machine to create some art

Oliver built a tangram bear

Brody built a tangram cat

Divinity used some pipe cleaners and painted rocks to make a game

Benjamin was inspired by Nature to make a Nature weaving loom

Marcus used letter tiles to practice his spelling

Rohan likes doing some Yoga

Rohan made a paper Stamp Game

Divinity did a science experiment

Gryff helping out in the kitchen

Zahra did some research on the smartest animals on the planet

Paloma's poem for her birthday

Paloma working with a dictionary

Sophia painted some rocks

Adele made funky glasses inspired by Nanette's Story

Sophia went for a walk with her family

Adele found real lapis lazuli

Get some exercise and fresh air every day!

Adele made a table comparing the Geometric Solids

Harrison is making a papier mache model of Venus

Adele did parsing of sentences in English and in Portugese

Gryff gave his cat a lesson on Golden Bead Division

Andrea went shopping to get dinner ingredients

Andrea did an experiment showing leaves produce oxygen

Andrea made a Lego clock

Marcus did some observational drawings of flowers and plants, and made a foil flower too.

Marcus has been practicing his photography skills and took this lovely shot of his cat, Phantom

Harrison and his dad made a Golden Bead Frame to use at home!

Sophia found some leaves and made leaf rubbings

Rohan studied types of angles

Rohan planted some avocado trees with his family

Gryff played Yahtzee with his grandmother on the computer

Gryff was inspired by Nature to draw this bird and sunset

Marcus made a face out of clay

Marcus spent some time outside getting exercise

Adele and Audrey made an Autumn lampshade

Malak made a Me on the Map booklet

Harrison did Me on the Map

Harrison's creative paper weaving

Robbie made a Marble Maze

Robbie has been studying Chinese characters

Adele made a pegboard for her squaring

Danielle did an invisible ink experiment

Daniel did a research poster on Volcanoes

Adele did some science experiments

Rohan found a praying mantis

Rohan made a fairy house for Bottle Lake Forest

Oscar did a Nature Scavenger Hunt

Adele did some Shadow Art using her hands

Malak used coloured Lego pieces to make her own Stamp Game

Coco used toothpicks and Blu-tac to create geometric shapes

Zahra did some work on the Solar System

Coco did a research project on Rabies

Harrison's pencil shavings picture

Harrison found a Brown Tree Frog in his garden! This prompted him to do some research.

Adele has been exploring the Fibonacci Sequence

Paloma made a model of the Water Cycle

Rohan did Parts of a Fruit

Rohan used an abacus for his Math work

Coco's new kitten looks a lot like Marcus' new kitten!

Starry Night by Coco

Gryff used coloured Lego blocks for his Binomial Squaring

Zahra did some shadow art

Paloma used a balloon and some paper mache to make a mask.

Happy birthday, Marcus!
Lots of children have been asking about Marcus' new kitten, so he wrote a letter all about Crystal:

Noah has been looking at the Fundamental Need of Clothing

Noah and Sophia did some baking

Noah has been practicing some Math

Brody's Minecraft School

Zahra made some Gulab Jamun, an Indian dessert, for Ramadan

Zahra did Parts of a Leaf

Adele made some bookmarks with laminated flowers

Adele made a clock out of Lego, and is learning to tell the time!

Auriel decorated his mailbox and wrote about Anzac Day

Harrison made some lovely ANZAC poppies

Harrison also did a Tape Art project

Adele got creative with Cat Island and Duck Island!

Coco has been baking cinnamon scrolls. She's shared a link to a couple of videos of her making them:

Adele did Parts of a Fruit

Daniel did Land and Water Formations

Malak combined string art and family tree!

Paloma did a research poster

Jonty did some creative writing. Here is his story so far:
One night three people went fishing on their boat, their names were Josh, Fred and Johnny. They arrived at Stewart island and they got ready to fish. They started fishing and as soon as they started fishing Fred had a big fish on. He was reeling so fast and he got it. They didn’t know what type of fish it was, because it didn’t look like any of the fish in the world. They started to head back to Christchurch. As soon as they got home, they put the fish in their chilly bin, and then they were searching on their computers all night to see what fish it could be. TO BE CONTINUED…….

Marcus made a cat silhouette mosaic

Aaroush's invisible ink

Jessica Island

Malak's creative multimedia island

Sharko Island by Brody

Jonty tried Coco's science experiment!

Adele and Audrey and their neighbour

Auriel's Lego island

Harrison took the island-making task to a whole new creative level! The lake is filled with apple juice, and the volcano erupts with apple juice rather than lava.

Malak made a salt rainbow!

Jonty's creative archipelago

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